Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pflaster: a song by Ich und Ich

I don't know why like this song nor what is it about on the lyric.
I just heard it from radio and of course I have no idea what is the name of this song.
Until yesterday, I was busying with my channel of youtube (which is very new also) and I just... hey what is the name of that song, the song I like.

I tried to listen to any song in German name pop up in the 50 songs chart of eldoradio luxembourg but failed. Arfffff, it must be so long ago that it was in the chart, maybe last year...
I was sooooooooo bored until Ayuth help me to find it.
And we did it!!!

At first he point me to Ich und Ich, a german band, but with a wrong song. Then the song just reveal itself on youtube.

Now I have it on my "ZLeon's 5xLike" playlist. If you like to listen and watch just go there 'TheZLeon'

I was trying to sing it all day long without success. Well I guess it's not bad to sing some block already ;p


Ich hatte schon längst keine Hoffnung mehr
Doch jemand hat dich geschickt, von irgendwo her
Du hast mich gefunden,
in der letzten Sekunde.

Ich wusste nicht mehr genau was zählt
Nur: es geht nicht mehr weiter, wenn die Liebe fehlt
Du hast mich gefunden,
in der letzten Sekunde.

Du bist das Pflaster für meine Seele
Wenn ich mich nachts im Dunkeln quäle
Es tobt der Hass, da vor meinem Fenster
Du bist der Kompass wenn ich mich verlier’,
du legst dich zu mir wann immer ich frier’
Im tiefen Tal wenn ich dich rufe, bist du längst da.

Ich hatte schon längst den Faden verloren,
es fühlte sich an wie umsonst geboren,
ich hab dich gefunden,
in der letzten Sekunde.

Und jetzt die Gewissheit, die mir keiner nimmt,
wir waren von Anfang an füreinander bestimmt,
wir haben uns gefunden,
in der letzten Sekunde.

Bevor du kamst war ich ein Zombie,
gefangen in der Dunkelheit,
du holtest mich aus meinem Käfig,
dein heißes Herz hat mich befreit.

and the translation in English...


I had long since no hope anymore
But someone has sent you, from somewhere
You have found me
In the last second

I did not know anymore what exactly counts
Only: It does not go on anymore when love is missing
You have found me
In the last second

You are the plaster for my soul
When I torment myself in the dark at night
Hatred is raging outside in front of my window
You are the compass when I lose myself
You lie down next to me anytime I feel cold
In the deep valley when I call you, you're long since there

I'd long since already lost the thread
It felt like I'd been born in vain
I have found you
In the last second

And now the certainity which nobody can take from me
We were right from the beginning destined for each other
We have found each other
In the last second

Before you came I was a zombie
Caught in the dark
You got me out of my cage
Your warm heart has freed me

Thanks to for the lyric and the translation ;-)

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