Monday, May 25, 2009

4 days in da paradise... (my own room)

What a happy life within a (not) so small room of mine...
Now I have a dining table (for real this time, not a children table anymore), plus plus a new set of table knifes, spoons, and forks.

Yum yum, I also bought two new bowls, beige color, and they are very suit to hold 'Tom Yum Kung'. Actually the first thing I put into it was 'MA-MA Tom Yum Kung' (555 too lazy to cook the real one -*-). However, the very next meal I had 'Pa-nang Moo' in it, ei ei. This Pa-nang, I cooked a lot for Julien too but he didn't come to office on Friday (and I didn't go on that day), so it's his fault ^^".

Well well, I had enough Pa-nang Moo for 4 meals :D

What's next?... Oh in my terrace, Strawberries, Cocktail Tomatoes and Paprika plants are laid down under this hot and sunny weather. I hope you little baby will grow fast and give me the fruit soon... A-men

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